Being ‘Enough’

Feeling like we are enough is something that gets talked about often. 

So, we can assume that lots of us aren’t feeling enough. But what if we aren’t enough? What if we were never supposed to be enough. We are human. We have evolved to be part of a tribe. To have relationships. To support others and receive support ourselves. 

So if we aren’t feeling like enough, maybe instead of more self development, instead we should seek extra support, kindness and care. 

We know that there is a link between depression and loneliness. 

Research has repeatedly found that one of the key contributing factors to postnatal depression is a lack of social support…This makes sense when we think of how, for almost the entire history of human beings, we have lived in social groups where a baby and new mother would be cared for by the extended family and social group.” 

  • Michelle Cree, The Compassionate Mind Approach to Postnatal Depression  

So this isn’t going to get fixed with more resilience, or  more ‘self-care’, or more breathwork. Meditation, better sleep hygiene, a new morning routine, and using your time more effectively probably aren’t going to be the answer either. 

The system is broken, we can’t keep showing up, leaning in to everything. Trying to do it all, trying to have it all. 

We are tired. We need a rest. We need time to be there for our friendships. We need the time to find our ‘tribe’. To make connections. 

To know that, alone, we will never be enough. So maybe we can stop trying so hard to be enough and just be us. Perfectly, imperfect just as we are. 

And if you’d like some help to take some pressure off, I’d love to support you. You can find out more here.


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