Applying a warm oil to your skin before you have a bath or shower will lock in moisture, soothe your muscles and show your body some love.

In the early days postpartum it is best to not wear anything perfumed. As scent is one way that you and your baby are bonding with each other. As the oil is being applied before the bath or a shower, you can enjoy the therapeutic benefits of aromatherapy without exposing your baby to overwhelming scents or disrupting the bonding process.

I use an organic grape seed oil for massage, as it doesn't sit too heavy on the skin and has no scent.

Add a few drops for essential oil to your massage oil some of my favourites for the postpartum period include;

Lavender for deep relaxation.

Neroli because of its soothing effect on mood.

Sandalwood due to its beautiful scent and calming properties.

Experiment and find the essential oils that you are drawn to, as you will naturally choose those which will be most beneficial for you.


Honouring your postpartum body


putting yourself first | how are you feeling today?